The female urinary system includes the two kidneys which produce urine as an end product of clearing wastes from the blood, the two ureters which transport the urine to the urinary bladder which is the reservoir for the urine until the patient urinates or empties their bladder, and the urethra which is the portal of exit for the urine. The flow of urine out of the bladder is controlled by sphincters or small circular muscles which open to expel the urine and close to stop the flow allowing the bladder to refill.

The Female Urinary System
- Chronic Care Management Program – A Helping Hand Between Office Visits
- Adrenal Cancer
- Benign Prostate Hyperplasia (BPH)
- Cancer of the Proximal Ureter
- Cancers of the Urinary System
- Erectile Dysfunction
- Interstitial Cystitis
- InterStim II
- Kidney Stones
- Kidney/Renal Cancer
- Male Infertility
- Obstructed Kidney
- Peyronie’s Disease
- Prostatitis
- Prostate Cancer
- Reversal of Vasectomy
- The Male Reproductive System
- The Male Urinary System
- Urinary Bladder Cancer
- Upper Tract Cancerous Tumors
- Urinary Tract Infection
- Vasectomy
- Urinary Incontinence